

  1. 'Education and Regional Economic Development' by David A. Green and Robert A. McGuire, published in the Journal of Economic Literature in 1997. This paper explores the relationship between education and economic development at the regional level, and provides evidence that increasing the education levels of a region's workforce can lead to increased economic growth.

  2. 'The Role of Education and Skill Development in Economic Growth: Evidence from Developing Countries' by Eric A. Hanushek and Ludger Woessmann, published in the Handbook of the Economics of Education in 2011. This paper reviews the literature on the relationship between education and economic growth in developing countries, and finds strong evidence that investments in education and skill development are critical for long-term economic growth.

  3. 'Education and Economic Growth' by Robert J. Barro, published in the Annals of Economics and Finance in 1999. This paper investigates the relationship between education and economic growth at the national level, and finds that increased levels of education are associated with higher levels of economic growth.

  4. 'Education and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Analysis' by Stephen Dowrick and John Quiggin, published in the Journal of Development Economics in 1997. This paper examines the relationship between education and economic growth across a sample of 67 countries, and finds strong evidence that education is a significant determinant of economic growth.

  5. 'Human Capital and Economic Growth' by Robert E. Lucas, Jr., published in the American Economic Review in 1988. This paper provides a theoretical framework for understanding the relationship between human capital (including education) and economic growth, and argues that investments in human capital are critical for sustained economic growth.

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