There is a matrix with 7 columns where the first six columns have non-repeating values from 1 to 33 and the seventh column has values from 1 to 16 Each time a new set of seven numbers appears it is ad

Here is a MATLAB program that analyzes the parity of the previously appeared data and predicts the number of odd and even numbers in a new set of seven numbers, as well as predicts the parity of the first six numbers and the last number:

% Initialize the matrix with the previously appeared data
matrix = [];

% Generate a new set of seven numbers
newSet = randperm(33, 6);
lastNumber = randi(16);

% Add the new set of numbers to the top row of the matrix
matrix = [newSet, lastNumber; matrix];

% Analyze the parity of the previously appeared data
prevData = matrix(2:end, :);
numOdd = sum(mod(prevData(:), 2) == 1);
numEven = sum(mod(prevData(:), 2) == 0);

% Analyze the parity of the new set of numbers
newSetParity = mod(newSet, 2);
lastNumberParity = mod(lastNumber, 2);

% Display the results
disp('Parity of previously appeared data:');
disp(['Number of odd numbers: ', num2str(numOdd)]);
disp(['Number of even numbers: ', num2str(numEven)]);
disp(' ');

disp('Parity of the new set of numbers:');
disp(['Parity of the first six numbers: ', num2str(newSetParity)]);
disp(['Parity of the last number: ', num2str(lastNumberParity)]);

This program generates a new set of seven numbers (consisting of six numbers from 1 to 33 and one number from 1 to 16), adds it to the top row of the matrix, and then analyzes the parity of the previously appeared data and the new set of numbers. It displays the number of odd and even numbers in the previously appeared data, as well as the parity of the first six numbers and the last number in the new set

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